Near Rajkharsawan Railway Station At- Branch Road, Boarda, Buritopa. Pin- 833101, kharsawan , Jharkhand

Phone:+91 – 9031395702, +91- 8051168461, +91-7979098097


For promotion the student is required to secure D grade in each subject and D grade in aggregate.

Class Attendance of 75% is a must for promotion.

There will be no re-examination in the event of ABSENCE on account of any reason include MEDICAL.

Parents/guardians are required to guide their wards to study hard, right from the beginning, so that they need not have to request for any consideration.

Promotion to Std. X and XII will be as per CBSE rules.

Instructions for the Payment of Fee:-


Last date for acceptance of school fee is the 15th of the month.

Late fee deposit fine of Rs.20/- will be charged with the fee of the month up to 25th of the month.

Fee will not be accepted after the 25th of the month.

Arrears of the fee of the last month will be accepted up to 15th of the next month with a fine of Rs. 50/- only.

Name of the defaulter will be struck off the school rolls in case of nonpayment of the fee for two months as per rules given above without any further intimation to the concerned.

Readmission may be accepted on payment of Admission Fee with the permission of the Principal, only on genuine grounds.

In such cases Arrears of two months will be accepted with the Readmission- fine of Rs. 200/- along with the fee of the current month up to the 15th of the month.

Advance fee on Quarterly, Half- yearly and Annual basis is also accepted.


Appreciates others.

Braves Challenges.

Is Courteous to all, respect elders, is friendly to equals and gentle with juniors.

Deals gently with others even when he/she is hurt himself.

Encourages others in pursuit of noble goals.

Feels God’s presence.

Gives due respect to public property.

Is both Honourable and Honest.

Insists on fair play applauds a victorious opponent.

JUDGES a situation only after assessing all facts.

Is KIND in thought, word and deed.

LEARNS from his/her MISTAKES and moves forward.

NEVER puts off till tomorrow what he/she can do today.

OBSERVES his/her personal routine faithfully.

Is Punctual and is Peace loving.

Is in Quest of Quality always.

Respects the old, poor, disabled and the stranger in the street.

Strives for excellence and perfection.

Tries to help those lees privileged than himself.

Urges others to perform to the best of their ability.

Values the benefits of a clean and healthy environment.

Willingly accepts and sincerely does the work assigned to him/her.

As Ex- student always remains loyal to his/her Alma Mater.

Yearns for and searches for God in his/her world.

Is Zealous about the honor and glory of the motherland.